Nature Happenings

  • Peak of fall migration for Barn Swallows.
  • Monarchs migrate August to October.
  • Peak flight for American Rubyspot, Ebony Jewelwing, White-faced Meadowhawk and many other dragonflies.
  • Shorebird migration begins.
  • Lots of activity at hummingbird feeders.
  • Blackbirds begin to flock and start to appear at feeders.
  • Peak month for summer wildflowers to bloom.
  • Flocks of nighthawks can be seen late in the month.
  • Shorebird migration builds and waterfowl migration starts.
  • Early warblers (Cape May, Tennessee, Magnolia, Blackburnian) migrate through the area.
  • Squirrels give birth to their second brood.
  • Hawk migration starts.
  • American Goldfinches finish nesting late this month.
  • Second brood of hummingbirds begin to appear at feeders early- to mid-month.
  • Snapping Turtle eggs begin to hatch.
  • Perseids Meteor shower is mid-month.