Nature Happenings

  • June is Perennial Garden Month & National Rivers Month
  • Blackberries are ripening. They're a favorite of raccoons, squirrels, box turtles, birds and people.
  • Butterflies like the Tawny Emperor, Great Spangled Fritillary, Little Wood Satyr and Mourning Cloak can be seen.
  • Staghorn Sumac flowering. The fruits that follow are attractive to many species of song and game birds.
  • Chicken of the Woods and other Sulphur mushrooms are noticeable.
  • Eastern Hognose Snake mating continues into August.
  • Bluegill, Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are spawning.
  • Bird migration is finished. Birds that are here now are summer residents that nest.
  • As the month progresses, feeders can become busy with visiting parents and fledglings.
  • House Wrens are nesting.